Its been a long time since I have posted on here and what better time to make a post than on the advent of what can only be described as one of the best games I have ever played on any platform. The Metal Gear series originally started on the SNES and has now matured, along with its fan-base, into what can only be described as something that brings action, strategy and guile into one hell of a story/game. When we first met Solid, it was on the 16-bit version of the stealth game that Hideo Kojima heralded as his entry into the hall-of-fame as a master story-teller.
The Rundown
Metal Gear follows the adventures of one Solid Snake (Voice of David Goyer) and his adventures with the FoxHound group. The other players are Revolver Ocelot, Liquid Snake, Big Boss (Deceased) and other miscreants. This tactical-espionage game has seen so many iterations that it can undoubtedly be the best story-based action RPG that has ever graced the digital screen for gamers, its only competitor being LOZ (Legend of Zelda).
The Story So Far
Metal Gear (SNES)
Metal Gear Solid (PS/PSOne)
Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty (PS2)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots (PS3)
I just can't wait to see what Kojima gives the masses this time and from the reviews, we can only expect the best MGS of all time because it brings closure to many interwoven plots and schemes that have plagued gamers since the first MGS on PSOne a long time ago. Solid has a big task ahead of him with the likes of Liquid-Revolver (Post MGS) and some old friends (Otacon, Meredith, Colonel). Kojima has promised some very interesting gameplay in the form of allies, CQC (Close-Quarter-Combat) and World War stuff. I am excited and you should be too.
On with the show and I am hoping that Snake closes the saga the way it should be.
Melroy Coelho
Official MGS Alumni and fan of the MG for all its worth
Music : Alice in Chains - Rooster
Mood: Smiling
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