Last night, I went ahead and updated my iPod Touch (iMonkey) to the new firmware that Apple has out there. To my surprise and perhaps a little bit of excitement, things are actually responding a bit faster. The keyboard is not as laggy as it was in Safari with the old 1.X and even 2.0 and the Main Page does move a bit more smoothly. However, with all this said, I have not yet had time to even read about what kinds of 'bug-fixes' Apple has bundled specifically for the iPod Touch considering that the firmware upgrade was originally poised for the iPhone (If you own an iPhone I would suggest holding off on this update it causes quite a ruckuss with Jailbroken iPod and lord forbid if your on Vodafone).
I just wish that Apple was a bit more clearer on the bug-fixes and had a separate list of updates for the iPhone and the iPod Touch considering that the upgrades don't work the same way on both devices and I would like to know what I am getting rather than rely on someone else telling me or me finding out by myself.
Music while writing this post - EBTG - Missing
Mood - Not too good
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